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    [Release] En_Res.ini 100% Translated

    Avatar Prosperity
    Avatar Prosperity

    Mensagens : 32
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    Data de inscrição : 10/02/2010

    [Release] En_Res.ini 100% Translated Empty [Release] En_Res.ini 100% Translated

    Mensagem  Avatar Prosperity Qua Fev 10, 2010 3:29 pm

    bem... asho q todo mundo sabe oq é isso né ? más pra qm nao sabe, isso aqui são aquelas mensagens de system q apareçe no jogo em chines la em cima... Lembrou agor ? entao blza vamos la

    Language=English;;  Errors;STR_SHUTDOWN_NOTIFY= Server will shutdown for maintance SOON ! Please logoff ASAP.;STR_ERROR_DUPLICATE_NAME=Error> This name already exist.STR_ERROR_ILLEGAL_NAME=Error> UNallowed/invalid characters in name!STR_ERROR=Error> STR_ERROR_ILLEGAL_PASSWORD=Error> Invalid password!STR_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ACCOUNT=Error> Invalid accountID!STR_ERROR_SERVER_FULL=Error> The server is full atm. Please re-log in later.STR_ERROR_LOWER_VERSION=Error> Invalid version number. Please update your client!STR_ERROR_VERSION=Error> Invalid version number!;STR_LOGIN_ISP_FAIL=Fail to log into ISP payment system. Currently, your account is charged.STR_WARNING_CRASH=Warning> the command is for local test only, or the server may collape!STR_CAN_NOT_TALK=You have been stricken the vital point and cannot talk temporarily!;STR_LOGIN_ANOTHER=someone.loged.as.u..STR_LOGIN_AGAIN=Please login again??...;STR_INVALID_NAME= Invalid name!STR_INVALID_MSG= Invalid message.STR_INVALID_CHARACTER= Invalid character found in message!STR_INVALID_COORDINATE= Invalid coords!STR_INVALID_PET_NAME= Invalid name!STR_INVALID_GUILD_NAME= Invalid guild name!STR_INVALID_WANTED= Invalid pursuing number!;  missing  STR_INVALID_AMOUNT  STR_INVALID_TITLE  ;;  gameplay + main stuff related;STR_MONEYBAG_FULL=It is unbelivable but your moneybag is FULL.STR_BAG_FULL=Your bag is FULL!STR_YOUR_BAG_FULL=Your bag is full already!STR_FULLBAG_NO_MORE=Your bag is already FULL! It can't hold more items.STR_CANT_STORAGE=You can't store this item !STR_FULL_CANNOT_PICK=Your bag is FULL so you can't pick the item!STR_PICK_MONEY=You have picked %u gold.STR_GOT_ITEM=You have picked %s.STR_UNABLE_USE_ITEM=Unable to use item!;STR_NOT_DISCARDABLE=You can't discard this item.STR_NOT_SALEABLE=You can not sell this item.STR_NOT_FOR_TRADE=Unable to trade this item!;  missing STR_HEAVEY_BAG;STR_MINE_WITH_PECKER=You must use PickAxe/Hoe to mine.STR_NEED_PICK=You need PickAxe/Hoe to be able to mine.STR_NO_MINE=You can't mine here!STR_GOLD_ORE=You gained gold ore!STR_IRON_ORE=You gained iron ore!STR_EUXENITE_ORE=You gained euxenive ore.STR_COPPER_ORE=You gained copper ore!STR_SILVER_ORE=You gained silver ore!STR_GAIN_GEM=Congratulations! You have gained some gem!;STR_MSG_SENT=Message sent successfully. Target will receive it as soon as he/she logs into game.STR_MSG_FAILED=Failed to leave message.;  wtf missing in previous      Please leave message to friend every %d minutes.STR_USE_ITEM= You have used that item.STR_BUY_ITEM=You have bought %d of %sSTR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND= Item not found.STR_ITEM_INEXIST= Item doesn't exist.STR_OTHERS_ITEM=You have to wait a little bit before you can pick any items dropped from monsters killed by others.STR_ITEM_DAMAGED= Item has been damaged!STR_LOW_LEVEL=Your level is too low!STR_NEXTEQP_OVERLEV= Level requirement of the new equipment is higher than your level!STR_FAR_CANNOT_PICK=Item is too far away to pick!STR_YOUR_CANNOT_WALK=Can not move!--STR_REPAIR_FAILED=Repair failed.;  missing STR_ITEM_LEV_TOO_HIGH  STR_MAKE_ITEM_FAILED  STR_INCREASE_ITEM  STR_INCREASE_MONEY;STR_TARGET_OFFLINE=The target is not online.STR_CAN_STAND=You can't stand there!STR_WEAPON_SKILL_UPLEV=Congratulations! Your weapon proficiency has improved.....STR_WEAPON_SKILL_UP=Congratulations! You weapon proficiency have improved.,,,STR_DIE=You are already dead.STR_BEKILL_ss=%s was OWNED by %s !STR_PK_FORBIDDEN= PK is forbiden here!;STR_GOTO_BLKNAME_JAIL=%s has arrested %s for being deadly to everyone.STR_KILLING_TO_MUCH=You have done too much killing. You will pay for what you have done.STR_NOT_PK_MODE=You can't attack the target in the current mode!STR_NOT_PK_EXP=No exp for cursed? / You cannot PK when your experience point is under 0 !;STR_ARRESTMENT_PK_MODE=Restrictive PK mode. You can only attack monsters, black-name and red-name players.STR_TEAM_PK_MODE=Team PK mode. You can attack monsters and players except for your teammates.STR_SAFE_PK_MODE=Peace mode. You can only attack monsters and won't hurt other players.STR_FREE_PK_MODE=Free PK mode. You can attack anyone.;STR_QUERYEQUIPMENT_HINT=%s is observing your gears carefuly.STR_KILLING_EXPERIENCE=You have gained %u experience.;STR_DISPATCHXP_s= %s roared, and the teammates' XP boosts immediately.STR_HITRATE_ADD=Skill > for %d seconds, your hit rate will be increased by %d percent.STR_DEFENCE_ADD=Skill > for %d seconds, your defense will be increased by %d times.STR_DEFENCE_ADD2=Skill > for %d seconds, your defense will be increased by %d percent.STR_ATTACK_ADD=Skill > for %d seconds, your attack will be increased by %d percent.STR_DODGE_ADD=Skill > for %d seconds, your defense will be increased by %d percent.;STR_NO_PK_VILLAGE=PK is forbidden in this Village.STR_PK=unknown 1000 ,,,STR_GOTO_JAIL_PK_NEWBIE=%s was sent to jail for attacking newbies.,,STR_GOTO_JAIL=%s has killed too much and been put into the jail at last.;STR_DAMAGED_REPAIR=%s has been severely damaged. Please repair it soon; otherwise, it will be gone.STR_DURABILITY_REPAIR=Durability of %s is too low. Please repair it soon to prevent further damaging.STR_DRAGONBALL=A [Dragon Ball] is required to improve equipment.STR_REPAIR_THEN_IMPROVE=Please repair the equipment before improving it.STR_SUPERIOR_ALREADY=The equipment is already in superior grade.STR_CONNOT_IMPROVE=The equipment cannot been improved.STR_METEOR=A [Meteor] is required to upgrade equipment.STR_REPAIR_THEN_UPGRADE=Please repair the equipment before upgrading it.STR_UPGRADE_NOMORE=The equipment cannot be upgraded any more!;STR_MISS_BET=..miss.BET--STR_WIN_BET_sd=%s ... %d ...win.BET..;STR_MAGIC_FAILED=Casting interrupted!STR_LOST_EXPERIENCE=You have lost %I64d experience!MALE_MATE_LOGIN=Your husband has logged in.FEMALE_MATE_LOGIN=Your wife has logged in.STR_MARRY= Lovers %s and %s have been married congratulations!STR_DIVORCE=%s and %s have been divorced, because there is no love between them anymore!;NOMATE_NAME=NoneTITILE_NONE=NoneSYNNAME_NONE=NoneACTIONSTR_NONE=None;;  Bless and other specs;STR_GODBLESS_HINT=Your blessing will expire %sSTR_LUCK_NO_DMG=You are lucky and avoided any damage.STR_LUCK_CRITICAL_HIT=Lucky time! Double hit.;STR_GODBLESS_RECHARGE_HINT=bless.recharge..STR_GODBLESS_BEKILL_HINT=bless.kill.,,,;STR_LUCK_EXP=Credit goes to 10 times the value of experience!STR_LUCK_FULL_XP=XP!STR_LUCK_EQUIP_DUR=Fortunately deduction.STR_LUCK_REPAIR_UPQUALITY=As lucky person ..,,STR_LUCK_DRAGON_BALL=Fortunately, Ira?STR_LUCK_ULTRA_EQP=Fun ammonia positive?STR_LUCK_SHT_STAR_TEAR=Meteors tears!STR_LUCK_EQP_UPQUALITY=Fortunately...STR_LUCK_GEM_SOCKET=As lucky person you have obtained socket for gem in item?,,,STR_LOTTERY_BIG=Congratulations! %s is so lucky to win %s from lady luck at the market...STR_LOTTERY_GENERAL=Congratulations! You have won %s ,,;STR_SUPERMAN_BROADCAST_sddd=%s has killed %d monsters and ranks %d of %d on KO board! Congratulations!DRAGON_BALL_DROP=A dragon ball drop from the monster killed by %s.STR_BOOTH_BUY_sds=%s spent %d gold to buy your %s.STR_BOOTH_BUY_EMONEY=%s spent %d CPs to buy yours %s.;;  Team/trade related;¶سخé=TeamSTR_INVITE_SENT=[Team] Invitation has been sent.STR_INVI_SENT=[Team] Invitation has been sent.STR_FORBIDDEN_JOIN=[Team] Team deny annoying new members !STR_JOIN_REQUEST_SENT=[Team] Request for joining team has been sent.STR_NO_CAPTAIN_CLOSE=[Team] Please click on the team captain!STR_NO_APPLICANT=[Team] Applicant not found.STR_NO_TEAM=[Team] This target doesn't have created team.STR_NO_TEAM_TO_INVITE=[Team] You haven't created a team. How can you accept other player in team?STR_NOT_CAPTAIN_INVITE=[Team] You are not the captain. How can you accept other player in team?STR_NOT_CAPTAIN_ACCEPT=[Team] You are not the captain. How can you invite other players to the team?STR_TEAM_CLOSED=[Team] Team is closed. Please open it first.STR_HAS_IN_TEAM=[Team] The target already have team.STR_NOT_CREATE_TEAM=[Team] Target disbanded his team. Invitation invalid.STR_TEAM_FULL=[Team] Pitty, The team is full.STR_HIS_TEAM_FULL=[Team] Pitty, his/her team is FULL.STR_YOUR_TEAM_FULL=[Team] Your team is full already ! Its not inflatable!STR_APPLICANT_NOT_FOUND=[Team] Unable to find applicant!STR_NOTEAM_TO_INVITE=[Team] This target doesn't have created team.STR_HAVE_JOIN_TEAM=[Team] You are already in team and cannot join another team.STR_INVITED_NOT_FOUND=[Team] Invited target is not found.STR_NOT_BE_INVIITED=[Team] Target did not invited you to the team.STR_INTEAM_NOJOIN=[TEAM] You are already in team. So cuz of that you can not join other one.;  STR_INTEAM_NOACCEPT  renamed??;STR_NOT_TO_JOIN=[Team] You can not join team. Dismiss yours first..., / The target has not requested to join the team.;  missing STR_NO_TEAM_TO_LEAVE  STR_NO_TEAM_TO_DISMISS  STR_NOT_CAPTAIN_DISMISS;STR_KILLING_EXPEX=You have gained %u experience.;STR_KILLING_EXPEX=You have gained %u as aditional rewarding experience for power leveling the newbies.STR_AWARD_TEAM_MONEY=[Team] You have gained %u gold from power leveling the newbies.STR_TEAM_STATISTIC=[Team] You and your teammate %s shared %d KO points.STR_AWARD_VIRTUE_su=%s gained %u virtue pints.STR_TEAM_EXPERIENCE=You have gained %d team experience.STR_TEAM_EXPEX=You gained %d team experience with additional rewarding experience for power leveling newbie teammates.;STR_TRADE_SUCCEED= Trade succeed.STR_TRADE_FAIL= Trade failed.STR_TRADING_REQEST_SENT=[Trade] Request for trade has been sent.STR_NO_TRADE_TARGET=[Trade] Unable to find trade target.STR_TARGET_TRADING=[Trade] Target already trades with someone.;  aditional rewarding experience for power leveling the newbies.;STR_POLICE_WANTED_ORDER=Confirm Target %s this person was saw at %s recently.STR_TEAM_MONEY_s=You have picked %s ..STR_TEAM_ITEM_s=You have picked %s ......STR_TEAM_HUNT=Notorious %s was finally hunted down by the detective team headed by %s!STR_DIE_FORGIVE=He that dies pays all debts. Can't you forgive him?STR_DIE_STOP_ATTACK=The target is dead. Move on.STR_ATTACK_POLICE=You are attempting to attack the police. Please behave yourself.STR_NOT_AUTHORIZED=You have not been authorized!STR_WANTED_ORDER=%u silvers earnest money is deducted.  You have got No.%d Pursuing Order. Target: %s; Reward: %u silvers.STR_WANTED_INFO=It is said that the wanted target appears around [%s].STR_MAX_BONUTY=You should offer a reward of %d silvers at most!STR_MIN_BONUTY=You should offer a reward of %d silvers at least!STR_SUPERADD_BONUTY=The reward for No.%u Pursuing Order is increased to %u silvers!STR_LOWEST_SUPERADD_BONUTY=You must increase %u silvers at lease!STR_CANCEL_WANTED=Pursuing Order for %u has been canceled.STR_FOND_WANTED=The wanted target [%s] is found!STR_FOND_POLICEWANTED=The governmental wanted target [%s] found!;;  Friend/enemy/trade _lists related;STR_MAKE_FRIEND_SENT=Request for friendship have been sent.STR_MAKE_FRIEND=%s and %s are friends from now on !STR_BREAK_FRIEND=%s broke friendship with %s !STR_TO_MAKE_FRIEND=%s wishes to be your friend!STR_NOT_YOUR_FRIEND=%s is not your friend.STR_FRIEND_LIST_FULL=Target or yours friend list is full.STR_YOUR_FRIEND_ALREADY=Target is on your friend list already! (or has been ur friend?);STR_MAKE_TRADE_BUDDY_SEND=Request for trade partnership have been sent.STR_TRADE_BUDDY_ACCEPT=%s accepted to be your trade partner....STR_TRADE_BUDDY_SUCCESS=You have accepted %s as your trade partner.;STR_TRADE_BUDDY_REFUSE=%s refused to be your trade partner.STR_BREAD_TRADE_BUDDY=You have broke trade partnership with %sSTR_TRADE_BUDDY_BREAK=%s has broke trade partnership with you.;STR_TARGET_TRADE_BUDDY_FULL=Your trade partners list is full...STR_TRADE_BUDDY_FULL=His trade partners list already holds 20 partners!...STR_YOUR_TRADE_BUDDY_ALREADY=The target is on your trade partners list...STR_TRADE_BUDDY_TARGET_OFFLINE=This trade buddy is offline...STR_FORM_TRADE_BUDDY=Your trade buddy %s requested trade...STR_TRADE_WALLOW=bbb ,,STR_NOT_TRADE_BUDDY=not ,,STR_TRADE_BUDDY_DEL_ROLE=role %s  del.trade.buddy..;;  GW/guild related;STR_SYNDICATE_CREATE_ss=Congrats %s gathered guild %s to live !STR_DONATE_ssd=%s donated to %s %d gold !STR_SYNDICATE_DESTROY_s=Guild %s was DISBANDED !STR_KICKOUT_MEMBER_s=%s was kicked out of the guild for violation of the guild principles.STR_KICKOUT_ME_s=You have been dispelled from the guild by %s.STR_JOIN_SYN_FAILED= Ask any leaders, managers from guild, NOT members.;  STR_JOIN_A_GUILD    STR_SYN_CONQUER  STR_KICK_OUT_GUILD ;STR_SYN_WAR_END=Guild War have Ended !STR_SYN_WAR_START=Guild War has started !STR_GOT_WIN_s= %s has WON !STR_TOP_LIST_dsd=No. %d: %s {%d};EXPLOST_PAYBY_SYNFUND=%u of experience was compensated by guild fund.STR_DESTROY_SYNDICATE_SOON=Your guild's fund has been used up. Please replenish the guild fund otherwise your guild WILL be DISBANDED.STR_NO_DISBAND=The guild is too big to be disbanded. Please transfer your guild power.;STR_HIS_ALLY_FULL=The target's Alley List is full!STR_FORBIDDEN_GUILD_NAME=You are forbidden to use this guild name.STR_GUILD_INEXIST=This guild doesn't exist.STR_GUILD_FUND_NOT_ENOUGH=Guild fund has not reached %u gold!STR_ALLY_FULL=Allies List is full!STR_SYN_PLACE_FULL=All the posts have been occupied!STR_SYNDICATE_COMBINESUB_ss= Guild %s is merged by %s.STR_SYN_FULL=Amount of guild members is full!STR_SYN_LEADER_LOSE_uss=Guild [%u]'s guild leader [%s] disappeared and [%s] took the place.;  Leader [%u][%s] handed guild leadership to [%s] .;STR_SYNDICATE_LEADER= Guild Leader..STR_SYNDICATE_LEADER2= Deputy leader..STR_SYNDICATE_LEADER3= Branch Leader..STR_SYNDICATE_LEADER4= etc.leader..STR_SYNDICATE_LEADER5= etc.2.leader..STR_SYNDICATE_MEMBER= member.+..;;  GM related unsolved;STR_SET_MAX_PLAYERS_u=[A] > Max logged in players changed to %u.STR_SHOW_PLAYERS_uu=[A] > At the moment there is %u players, max/peak online players was %u.STR_KICKOUT_ALL=[A] > kickoutall > all players are forced to logoff with d/c and logging in is forbiden.;STR_FAILED_GENERATE_ITEM=[A] > Failed to generate item.STR_MAKE_MONEY_FAILED=[A] > Failed to generate map money(%d) drop.STR_MAKE_ITEM_FAILED=[A] > Failed to generate map item(%u) drop.;  missing STR_ACTION_SEEN  STR_ACTION_NOTSEEN  STR_ACTION_UPDATED      inside brackets [];  STR_GONE  STR_JUMPED  STR_GM_NO_TEAM  STR_SINGLE  STR_NEVER_PROPOSED  STR_CANNOT_JUMP;  STR_NO_STOP  STR_LEVEL_NOT_ENOUGH    STR_NOT_FROM_YOUR_GUILD  STR_NOT_YOUR_SPOUSE  STR_NOT_ENOUGH_MANA  ;  STR_NO_PRIZE    STR_NO_LV_BROADCAST  STR_NO_MANA_BROADCAST  STR_NO_TRADE_IN_BATTLE  STR_NO_TRADE_IN_TEAM;  STR_NO_IN_TEAM  STR_SENT_WAIT  STR_LOCAL_TEST  STR_CHANGE_NAME    STR_VITAL_POINT_STRICKEN  ;  STR_DONOT_GIVE_UP  STR_CANNOT_DEPOSIT  STR_PROTECTED_CODE  STR_NONSUCH_TRADE_sssu;  STR_NO_ENOUGH_LEVEL  STR_NO_ENOUGH_POWER;STR_FEETYPE_KNOWN=Payment type: unknown.STR_FEETYPE_HOUR=Payment type: hour card. Reminding hours: %d.%d.STR_FEETYPE_MONTH=Payment type: month card. Expired on:  %d(year) %d(month) %d(day)STR_FEETYPE_BARHOUR=Payment type: internet cafe point card.STR_FEETYPE_BARMONTH=Payment type: internet cafe point card. Licensed amount: %d.STR_FEETYPE_ISP=Payment type: ISP payment system.STR_FEETYPE_FREE=Payment type:  free test.;STR_SETLOCK=setlock--STR_UNLOCK=unlock--STR_CLEARLOCK=clearlock--STR_SETLOCK_HELP=[A] > used cmd /setlock--STR_UNLOCK_HELP=[A] > used cmd /unlock --STR_CLEARLOCK_HELP=[A] > used cmd /clearlock--STR_SETLOCK_OK=Has been set up? Unlock girl "/ clearlock?STR_SETLOCK_FAIL=Cheng-based ..STR_UNLOCK_OK=Chun has been playing?STR_CLEARLOCK_OK=Has been forever, please use the "/ setlock password." ..STR_LOCKKEY_DENY=Please Act: / unlock password .STR_NO_LOCKKEY=No set up?STR_UPLEV_HOLE1=%s Kyrgyz shoes% s UpLev .. 1 ..STR_UPLEV_HOLE2=%s Jixinggaozhao,% s UpLev ..2..STR_DELETE_FAILED=Delete Failed! delete colapsedSTR_KO_LIST_TITLE=Rank Name Number ..STR_OPEN=Open-WTF..STR_CLOSE=Close-WTF..STR_NEXT_PAGE=Next.page...STR_CLOSE_BUTTON=Close..STR_TOO_LOWER_SYN_MONEY=Gong ...;STR_DISABLE_LAY_SYNTRANS=This kind of NPC is not allowed to place here!STR_NOT_SO_MUCH_MONEY=You do not have enough money.STR_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY=You don't have %d gold!STR_FEW_FEE_NOTIFY=You month card will expire on %s. Please recharge your account soon.STR_ACCOUNT_NOFEE=Your account has not been recharged.STR_BONUS=Congratulations! You have got %u prizes.  Please go to trade market to claim prize!STR_NO_BONUS=Sorry. No prize available or the prize has not been confirmed in the prize claiming web page.;;STR_NOT_HERE=Player is not in the vicinity!STR_NOT_ENOUGH_LEV=You haven't reached level %d !STR_LEVEL_NOT_ENOUGH=The target's level is insufficient!STR_CONNECTION_OFF=Bad connection. Log off automatically.STR_TEAMMATE_CANNOT_CREATE=[Team]You are already in a team and cannot create a new one.STR_CREATE_TEAM_FAILED=[Team]Failed to create a team.STR_NOSSTAR_REPAIR=hmmmm 5 ...STR_UNQUALIFIED=Error > Failed to meer condition.STR_CHEAT=[Cheat]The points you are allotting are more than the limit.STR_GOTO_CHEATJAIL=%s was sent to CHEATjail.,,STR_LEV_NOT_ENOUGH_TO_PK=You have to be over level 25 to be able to PK ,,STR_LEV_MAP_NEWBIE_PROTECT=Newbie protected map PK25 ,,STR_SATORI=Congratulations to all of you to resume previous life skill!STR_PIGEON_SEND_ERR_NOEMONEY=Ne archery?STR_PIGEON_SEND_ERR_EMPTYSTRING=Lose archery?STR_PIGEON_SEND_ERR_STRING_TOOLONG=Transmission failureSTR_PIGEON_SEND_PIGEON_PRODUCE_PROMPT=Ge side ¢،?STR_PIGEON_URGENT_ERR_NOEMONEY=Meaning if archery Ha?STR_PIGEON_URGENT_SENT_ALREADY=?,STR_GUARD_CALL_s=%s , the city allowed PK .. guard ..STR_PPKER_CALL_s=%s PKed ..STR_ANONYMOUS_ACTION_NOALIVE=You,STR_ANONYMOUS_ACTION_STATE=You want toSTR_ANONYMOUS_QUERYEQUIP_SOURCE=£،,,STR_ANONYMOUS_QUERYEQUIP_TARGET=%s ?,,STR_ANONYMOUS_QUERYEQUIP_TARGET_ANONY= ??,STR_ANONYMOUS_PK_LIMIT=You are now at PK PKSTR_ANONYMOUS_PK=Ying vase benzene Lie?STR_ANONYMOUS_PK_CITY=In the PK!STR_ANONYMOUS_PK_GUARD=Flatter ZhuoTRANSFER_DRAGONBALL=Chat button bare Jin-Ao,STR_BOOTH_LOW_PRICE=Tun% d points, TianshiSTR_CHECKIN_DISABLE=Neck Quail said Nanwo IndiaSTR_FUSE_DISABLE=Can not be Refinery suspicious items.STR_TRAIN_WALLOWNONE=Since your officeSTR_TRAIN_WALLOWHALF=Because your officeSTR_KICKOUT_SAMEACCOUNT=Log IP Address %sSTR_KICKOUT_SAMEIDCARD=Uranium ..STR_KICKOUT_WALLOWSYSTEM=Account server you are kicked out of games...STR_KICKOUT_ELSE=The server you are kicked out of games...STR_PK_HUNTER_BONUS=Thank you for aresting PKers....STR_UNLOCKSTATUS=%s have already reachedSTR_FUSE_LOCK_DISABLE=Not...STR_AUTOLOCK=That into...;

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      Data/hora atual: Seg Jul 08, 2024 10:50 am