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2 participantes

    All Crack Bots 9.85 Brasill Xenabot Bbot KeraBot IBot..etc


    Mensagens : 56
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    Data de inscrição : 27/12/2012

    All Crack Bots 9.85 Brasill Xenabot Bbot KeraBot IBot..etc Empty All Crack Bots 9.85 Brasill Xenabot Bbot KeraBot IBot..etc

    Mensagem  elfboter1 Sex Mar 15, 2013 3:09 am

    All Crack Bots 9.85 Brasill Xenabot Bbot KeraBot IBot..etc Mantarider
    Download links:
    All Crack Bots 9.85 Brasill Xenabot Bbot KeraBot IBot..etc Tibia+Driver+MC+Icon Tibia MC 9.85 Click Here

    All Crack Bots 9.85 Brasill Xenabot Bbot KeraBot IBot..etc RedBot+ProRedBot 9.85+Script Click Here

    All Crack Bots 9.85 Brasill Xenabot Bbot KeraBot IBot..etc TibiaAuto Download Click Here Tibia Auto 9.85+Waypoint

    All Crack Bots 9.85 Brasill Xenabot Bbot KeraBot IBot..etc KerabotDownload KeraBot+Script+Waypoints Click Here

    All Crack Bots 9.85 Brasill Xenabot Bbot KeraBot IBot..etc BBotDownload bBot 9.85

    All Crack Bots 9.85 Brasill Xenabot Bbot KeraBot IBot..etc 3609638Download rvBots Click Here

    All Crack Bots 9.85 Brasill Xenabot Bbot KeraBot IBot..etc 35602Download BlackSafe 9.85

    All Crack Bots 9.85 Brasill Xenabot Bbot KeraBot IBot..etc 1127146 Download IpChanger (7.1-9.85)

    All Crack Bots 9.85 Brasill Xenabot Bbot KeraBot IBot..etc TibiaLuzTibia Luz 9.85

    All Crack Bots 9.85 Brasill Xenabot Bbot KeraBot IBot..etc MageBotAsta Magebomb 9.85

    All Crack Bots 9.85 Brasill Xenabot Bbot KeraBot IBot..etc TUGBotTUG Bot 9.85

    All Crack Bots 9.85 Brasill Xenabot Bbot KeraBot IBot..etc Xeno+Bot+IconXenoBot 9.85

    All Crack Bots 9.85 Brasill Xenabot Bbot KeraBot IBot..etc Ignis_IconIgnis Bot 9.85

    All Crack Bots 9.85 Brasill Xenabot Bbot KeraBot IBot..etc Arakaki_Bot_Icon Arakaki Bot

    All Crack Bots 9.85 Brasill Xenabot Bbot KeraBot IBot..etc New_NGTibiaBot Ng Crack+install 9.85

    Última edição por elfboter1 em Dom Abr 14, 2013 7:25 am, editado 2 vez(es)

    Mensagens : 56
    Thanks : 148
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    Data de inscrição : 27/12/2012

    All Crack Bots 9.85 Brasill Xenabot Bbot KeraBot IBot..etc Empty Re: All Crack Bots 9.85 Brasill Xenabot Bbot KeraBot IBot..etc

    Mensagem  elfboter1 Dom Mar 17, 2013 3:35 am


    Mensagens : 56
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    Data de inscrição : 27/12/2012

    All Crack Bots 9.85 Brasill Xenabot Bbot KeraBot IBot..etc Empty Re: All Crack Bots 9.85 Brasill Xenabot Bbot KeraBot IBot..etc

    Mensagem  elfboter1 Sex Mar 22, 2013 3:28 am


    Mensagens : 56
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    Data de inscrição : 27/12/2012

    All Crack Bots 9.85 Brasill Xenabot Bbot KeraBot IBot..etc Empty Re: All Crack Bots 9.85 Brasill Xenabot Bbot KeraBot IBot..etc

    Mensagem  elfboter1 Qui Mar 28, 2013 3:13 am


    Mensagens : 56
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    Data de inscrição : 27/12/2012

    All Crack Bots 9.85 Brasill Xenabot Bbot KeraBot IBot..etc Empty Re: All Crack Bots 9.85 Brasill Xenabot Bbot KeraBot IBot..etc

    Mensagem  elfboter1 Seg Abr 01, 2013 5:08 am


    Mensagens : 56
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    Data de inscrição : 27/12/2012

    All Crack Bots 9.85 Brasill Xenabot Bbot KeraBot IBot..etc Empty Re: All Crack Bots 9.85 Brasill Xenabot Bbot KeraBot IBot..etc

    Mensagem  elfboter1 Qui Abr 04, 2013 1:59 am


    Mensagens : 56
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    Data de inscrição : 27/12/2012

    All Crack Bots 9.85 Brasill Xenabot Bbot KeraBot IBot..etc Empty Re: All Crack Bots 9.85 Brasill Xenabot Bbot KeraBot IBot..etc

    Mensagem  elfboter1 Sex Abr 05, 2013 2:22 am


    Mensagens : 56
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    Data de inscrição : 27/12/2012

    All Crack Bots 9.85 Brasill Xenabot Bbot KeraBot IBot..etc Empty Re: All Crack Bots 9.85 Brasill Xenabot Bbot KeraBot IBot..etc

    Mensagem  elfboter1 Seg Abr 08, 2013 6:29 am

    All Crack Bots 9.85 Brasill Xenabot Bbot KeraBot IBot..etc Mantarider
    Download links:
    All Crack Bots 9.85 Brasill Xenabot Bbot KeraBot IBot..etc Tibia+Driver+MC+Icon Tibia MC 9.84 Click Here

    All Crack Bots 9.85 Brasill Xenabot Bbot KeraBot IBot..etc RedBot+ProRedBot 9.84+Script Click Here

    All Crack Bots 9.85 Brasill Xenabot Bbot KeraBot IBot..etc TibiaAuto Download Click Here Tibia Auto 9.84+Waypoint

    All Crack Bots 9.85 Brasill Xenabot Bbot KeraBot IBot..etc KerabotDownload KeraBot+Script+Waypoints Click Here

    All Crack Bots 9.85 Brasill Xenabot Bbot KeraBot IBot..etc BBotDownload bBot 9.84

    All Crack Bots 9.85 Brasill Xenabot Bbot KeraBot IBot..etc 3609638Download rvBots Click Here

    All Crack Bots 9.85 Brasill Xenabot Bbot KeraBot IBot..etc 35602Download BlackSafe 9.84

    All Crack Bots 9.85 Brasill Xenabot Bbot KeraBot IBot..etc 1127146 Download IpChanger (7.1-9.84)

    All Crack Bots 9.85 Brasill Xenabot Bbot KeraBot IBot..etc TibiaLuzTibia Luz 9.84

    All Crack Bots 9.85 Brasill Xenabot Bbot KeraBot IBot..etc MageBotAsta Magebomb 9.84

    All Crack Bots 9.85 Brasill Xenabot Bbot KeraBot IBot..etc TUGBotTUG Bot 9.84

    All Crack Bots 9.85 Brasill Xenabot Bbot KeraBot IBot..etc Xeno+Bot+IconXenoBot 9.84

    All Crack Bots 9.85 Brasill Xenabot Bbot KeraBot IBot..etc Ignis_IconIgnis Bot 9.84

    All Crack Bots 9.85 Brasill Xenabot Bbot KeraBot IBot..etc Arakaki_Bot_Icon Arakaki Bot

    All Crack Bots 9.85 Brasill Xenabot Bbot KeraBot IBot..etc New_NGTibiaBot Ng Crack+install 9.84

    Mensagens : 11
    Thanks : 29
    Thanks : 0
    Data de inscrição : 10/04/2013

    All Crack Bots 9.85 Brasill Xenabot Bbot KeraBot IBot..etc Empty Re: All Crack Bots 9.85 Brasill Xenabot Bbot KeraBot IBot..etc

    Mensagem  ibotredbot Qua Abr 10, 2013 1:20 pm

    Newest iBot for Tibia 9.84 Released!
    All Crack Bots 9.85 Brasill Xenabot Bbot KeraBot IBot..etc Ibot

    Download link:

    Virus Scan:


    Below is a list of some of iBot's most notable features:
    - Simulate key presses and mouse clicks so that you are still free to use your mouse and keyboard.
    - Built for both simplicity and flexibility in mind to let you do even the more advanced things at the press of a few buttons or writing of a few words.
    - A basic integrated Alerts system that lets you know many things player on screen, player attacking, some creature on screen, items counts, messages, status info like capacity, stand time and disconnect.
    - Advanced integrated healing/mana restore system that lets you heal with multiple spells, potions and runes, and can use exact values or percentages.
    - Advanced integrated friend healer system to use spells, potions and runes in yours friends.
    - Script system that lets you do actions at the press of a button or automatically, based on certain conditions.
    - Displays practical information on screen for convenience and to assist you in taking choices during your gameplay.
    - Many features in the iBot are implemented in script so you can just enabled them if you want but you may also adjust them to your liking.
    - All the basic things such as equipping ammunition, rings, amulets, picking up loot into backpacks, moving things around inventory, using items, saying things, casting spells, buying and selling items, etc.
    - Goes up and down ramps, ladders, stairs, rope spots, shovel spots, opens doors, uses sewer grates, etc.
    - Deposits gold and items, refills potions, talks with NPCs and travels with just a few simple script commands.
    - Has different ways of walking accross caves that may save time by avoiding areas with no monsters spawned.
    - May be set up to kill different monsters with a different approach, attack, equipment, spell.
    - Advanced looting system, you can choose which items you wanna take and where you wanna put then.
    - Many good options for save and load scripts, like Slots and Favorites.
    - May be customized and expanded in many ways using small scripts while also providing support for complex and powerful scripts.
    - And more! With more to come!

    Mensagens : 56
    Thanks : 148
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    Data de inscrição : 27/12/2012

    All Crack Bots 9.85 Brasill Xenabot Bbot KeraBot IBot..etc Empty Re: All Crack Bots 9.85 Brasill Xenabot Bbot KeraBot IBot..etc

    Mensagem  elfboter1 Dom Abr 14, 2013 7:00 am


    Mensagens : 56
    Thanks : 148
    Thanks : 0
    Data de inscrição : 27/12/2012

    All Crack Bots 9.85 Brasill Xenabot Bbot KeraBot IBot..etc Empty Re: All Crack Bots 9.85 Brasill Xenabot Bbot KeraBot IBot..etc

    Mensagem  elfboter1 Dom Abr 14, 2013 7:26 am


    Mensagens : 56
    Thanks : 148
    Thanks : 0
    Data de inscrição : 27/12/2012

    All Crack Bots 9.85 Brasill Xenabot Bbot KeraBot IBot..etc Empty Re: All Crack Bots 9.85 Brasill Xenabot Bbot KeraBot IBot..etc

    Mensagem  elfboter1 Dom Abr 21, 2013 4:57 pm


    Conteúdo patrocinado

    All Crack Bots 9.85 Brasill Xenabot Bbot KeraBot IBot..etc Empty Re: All Crack Bots 9.85 Brasill Xenabot Bbot KeraBot IBot..etc

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      Data/hora atual: Seg Jul 08, 2024 11:08 am